Monday, 11 July 2011


People.Most have a capacity,a limit inside of them for emotional storage.A container for anger,fear,anxiety and sadness.It fills up,until it’s full.Then,it overleaks.That’s when they express themselves.Psychology proven that,through expressing dilemmas or problems to others,one may feel better.Well,logically speaking,how does telling a story about your problems to somebody else helps you feel better?For one,the problem isn’t settled,at all.It isn’t going away,not after telling it to somebody.I’d understand if one is trying to seek advice from the one who is listening.But if you already know the solution and all other alternatives,is it still necessary to share with others?Hmm,maybe not huh.

Other the other end,the listener.Sometimes it’s hard for you.You have to be the strong one,or at least act like the strong one because somebody is in need of your help.You have to clean up messes which aren’t relevant to you.For years,I played the ‘carefree idoit’ role.So that I could avoid complicated situations like these.Stuff I don't understand how others can't see the solution to it.Sometimes,you’d end up being a listener one way or another.I really did dislike it.Because I never did share my stories.So isn’t it the rule of nature that if you take,you also have to give?Then likewise if it’s the other way around.I didn’t take,so therefore I don't give.Then,I decide to test my own emotional capacity.Started talking about serious issues rather than random and stupid stuff.But the problem isn’t being a listener or the talker.It’s about who that person is.Maybe it’s not true that one ‘feels relieved’ after expressing all their emotions and feelings out.Maybe they’ve confused it with ‘feels happy’ because they know somebody is willing to hear and bare their problems.I seldom give credit to God but here goes.We really have to thank Him.I know he didn’t gave a direct explanation or solution to our problems,because life is not a game.It isn’t that simple.But,instead,he led us to people we care who cares about us as well.If he didn’t,we’d be in the darkness,in despair.However,the darkness isn’t so bad.It teaches us how bad things can be,and when we enter the light,we know we should treasure it.

Lastly,to all listener out there
You are called a listener for a reason
Don't direct,don't solve,do give choices and within him,ideas dissolve

Bet you know the saying
Catch a fish for a man,he gets to eat for a meal
Teach the man to fish,he gets to eat for a lifetime
Till next time.

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