Friday, 8 July 2011


Ah food.Before I proceed,I’ve to warn you that this is the non-asian food section.My blog,my rules,my food. First of,we mankind are separated into two categories.Are you the type that ‘eat to live’ or the one that ‘live to eat’? Nope,I’m not suggesting the type of food that every individual has to consume for one’s daily needs. I’m talking about Food.Yeah,uh-huh,you know what it is.I know everyone of us had either dreamt or fantasised about drowning ourselves in food.Well,I know I did.What can I say?Thats the dream.Like the ‘dream’ Martin Luthor King was talking about. Anyway,to be specific,I meant meat.Any meat will do,you name it.Chicken,duck,lamb,goat,cow.. ostrich?rabbit and I guess we could add in fish?Yup,food!Not the kind that looks and tastes very close to what I’d call shit a.k.a sushi.I know,I know,everybody has their own definition of favourite but sushi?!Only two reasons for one to love sushi.

  1. He or she doesn’t have any taste buds
  2. He or she previously ate something worse(poop) before tasting the sushi

Sometimes,I seriously wonder why in the world am I born in Malaysia.I don't like the races,the government, the people,the culture and even their food!Maybe God delivered me to the wrong island,who knows?Yes,I don't fancy Malaysian food at all.Especially ‘asam laksa’.Here’s what I think;the money used for the asam laksa,use that plus an addition of few bucks,and I’d get a plate of chicken chop.It’s even filling, even tastier,even has more nutrients and sadly,even expensive as well.But hey,"nothing good is cheap, nothing cheap is good" right? Ever wonder why we,from the South East Asia are often tiny compared to the Western people?It’s because of our food consumption!Alright,I’ll admit the Westerns’ daily consumption are very unhealthy but it still has protein.Unlike our local food,unhealthy and nutrient-free.You know what I hate the most,other than asian noodles?Something called ‘Chee Chong Fun’.Oh God,kill me now.It is by far the worst food ever.Ever.Do a research on the food and you’ll be on my side, trust me.

Well,I’m the kind of person who lives to eat like many out there.But I’m different you see.When I eat,I eat.To be honest,I kind of,threw away my table manners for years now.Yes,I eat like an animal feasting on their prey after ripping them to shreds.But,in my defence,it actually makes perfect sense. Picture,yourself,fine dinning. Yummy,using the spoon,fork and knife with precise yet graceful movement while putting the food in your mouth.Does this honestly,sound satisfying to you or,using nothing but your bare hands and fill your mouth with portions of food exceeding the size of your own mouth. Personally,I think I’d enjoy eating like a caveman.We humans may be the smartest creature,but deep down everyone has something we’d call ‘animal instinct’.What better way to express your animalistic personality than during a meal?

Anyway,I just had something call Beef Ribs during my mother’s birthday dinner.
Speaking of birthdays,doing an entry about it in the future,when I’ve had the inspiration after somebody’s
(grandma,grandpa,aunt,uncle, mom,dad,bro,sis,etc).
By the way,best decision I’ve ever made throughout the year for choices of food. 
Fortunately,I didn’t pay for it.
Hey,no judging.
It costs RM 38 for 1 plate,ouch.

A picture speaks a thousand words right?
Ps.That piece of meat,has N-O bones.
Till next time.

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