Friday, 1 July 2011

Humanity Rights

Hey there.I'm guessing those of you who reads this blog are from Malaysia,well, because I'm from Malaysia?Yeah,I'm also assuming you know how messed up and corrupted our Federal Constitution is.Ever heard of the story where the country's main race,Malays who majority of them are Islamic,burnt down several churchs?It all began when they found out that the bible has the word 'allah' written in it.Yup,I'm as surprised as you are."JUST BECAUSE OF THAT?!".There are only two reasonable explanations for this actually.

1.They are retarded
2.They are very retarded

I mean,come on.They didn't even get punished or won't get sued because the government is literally supporting them.No,this is not racism,criticism nor self-thoughtout theories.It's black and white facts.Ever realise how the authorities address Buddhism?It's Buddha is it not?Buddha is the God for the Buddhism's religion.So,I guess the Chinese should all start burning Mosque huh?But.The outcome is that they'd all end up in jail.What a fair and just country we all live in.

One Malaysia?Eat shit.Recently there's been a new program called Bersih,look it up.Government's election parties usually has a very unfair sense in voting.They'd usually start of with a 10,000 votes 'head-start'.The program,Bersih is basically all about going against that 'head-start'.Recently few have been sent to jail because of only,wait-for-it,WEARING the Bersih shirt.Yeah,utterly ridiculous.

Where is our rights as citizen?
Where is our freedom?
Oh there it is,up their asses.
Looks like our government was,is and never will be trustable till the end of time.
However,I never said anything about giving up hope.
Somebody once said,
You don't have to believe in your government to be a good citizen.
You just have to believe in your country.
(Unless you're not American though,ahhaha)
So,all hail the United States of America!

Till next time.

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