Saturday, 20 August 2011


It's raining.It's dark.It's gloomy.It's silent,aside from the roaring thunder and drops of rain.I'd say it's a good time to blog about said title : death.What is death?Sure,any monkey swinging from tree to tree can answer that straight out."Death is dying"?Or "Death is a situation where somebody just died"?No,no,that's just through the sight in our eyes.Death is,an end of a person's journey in which case is their life.To be specific,an end of a chapter,assuming the ending is unfair.Some die happily while others,have some unfinished business. Not to mention,his or her family didn't deserve that person's death.If the dying may be saved using necessary medical procedure,he will be saved if it's meant to be,if it's his destiny.Otherwise,different result, same reason.You know the believe(forgot it was based on which religion) that an individual will be reincarnated into a different body after his or her death until he or she finally deserves to go heaven and attain peace for all eternity.Yeah,so it basically means that our lives now are but a fraction of our entire journey.One life is equvalent to one chapter.Unless that is our final chapter before being transfer to heaven.So,if an individual unfortunately dies at a very young age,maybe it's because in that life it wouldn't work out at all.Or maybe he is in an absolutely wrong time and place.Well,it is not a fact,it's a possibility.

We are born,we go through life,we die.It's just a cycle of life.After death,that's what most call the afterlife. Here's a fact.Many believers in many different religions often focus on their afterlife.And in the process,only do good deeds,so that they may attain eternal peace in heaven.Sure,it is a good thing,I mean, who wouldn't like heaven right?.But what I find weird is the reason they do it.Through what I've experienced, there are only two possible reason for it.One,they never questioned or even ask "why" before doing something.Yes,that is obedience,but you may remove yourself in the category of humans as you are a robot.Questioning and disrespecting are two very,very different things.Yeah,I know how elderly ones tend to group those two together.The other reason is,because they focus so much on getting that "peace" that they only do good deeds.So when one asks,"why do you good deeds?".It's replied with "because I want to attain peace" or for others "because I don't want to get punished".Call me crazy,but hearing those two lines first hand isn't something that sounds right at all.On the outside,it seems as if that person is a saint.Dig deeper and you may notice that he is selfish.It's obvious that those lines aren't sincere as it doesn't come from the heart.

Here's what I personally think.I'd do whatever I want within my reach,as long as I don't cross over any line,and actually live my life,instead of doing something because you don't wanna get punished and concentrating on your "peace" during the afterlife.No doubt,you'd get a wonderland,you'll be happy,you'll be at peace,but truth is,you're not living anymore.In life,all we see is anger,hatred,envy,vengeance,suffering.But you know what,that's real.That's reality.In life you don't just hesitate from getting a divorce because it-is-bad-to-do-so.Or because it may get you punished.On the outside,people call you brave,tolerant or even strong.But that's just a mask hiding the cowardly,excuses-giving of a personality you have.All I'm saying is,life your live.That's my opinion on repaying God for the live He gave me.Instead of staying away from rain, sickness,disease or taking organ-damaging substances,I think we should all try everything once.Then it is entirely up to us to continue or not.Quick question,do you stay away from the rain because it harms your health which results in harming your life or do you embrace the rain,if you get sick,you recover and get stronger so that you may play in the rain?Prevention is better than cure?That only applies if one will die without any prevention.Otherwise,bull.

Deny what you wanna do
If you wanna deny God
Because He made you the way you are
He made you think how you think
By the way
I stil think I should try
If God made everything
He made me the way I am
Who knows?
Maybe it's a step I have to take
If not,it's not as if I can't take a step back

On an unrelated topic,Death also refers to The Death,the reaper of all reapers.Also the strongest horseman of the apocalypse.He rides on a grey,pale horse.With a scythe as a weapon,as he is a reaper.And obviously, control who dies at whatever time in whatever place.You may think of him as the executor,and God as the man-behind-the-curtain.Yeah,no doubt most people have it hard.Their loved one's lifes were unfairly taken away.While others have a peaceful death.Wanna thank someone,thank God.Wanna blame someone,blame God.He who creates,must learn to destroy.Just as He who is thanked,must be the one who is blamed. Unfortunately,that's just how most humans think.Well,majority who 'appreciate' God are often the hypocrites who bear hatred against Him when something bad(reality) happens to them.To me,well...I'd say it's just not meant to be.The sky is clear,as the rain has stopped.Till next time.

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