Doing it now as it will be delayed again and again due to my self-procrastination.Yeah,I hate it too.I became an official on Friday actually.But I always think of Monday as the first day of the week,so I made it official that as of now I'm gonna make a change(might be due to procrastination that I delayed it till Monday,who knows).Well,I'm born in the year 1993,and it's now 2011 which makes me 18 this year.Practically one-third of something I've been waiting for my entire life.The other two being my 30th year and the year I'm married.Most probably it's because I was promised that I could finally go out and venture on my own to get some exposure from anything I choose.And so I did.Well,let's face it,no matter how one likes to be alone,it's always best to have more factors in live.Though if you choose to not have any connections,this isn't a good idea.Anyway,I did accept another factor recently.Felt like such an outsider.All I gotta do now is to show my face more often.
Now that I'm official.I'd really like to make a change.Starting from resuming my workout.After that,re-adjusting my messed up schedule.Fyi,I sometimes sleep around 5am.Then,get some reading done and do some Math practices.Lastly,stay home.You'd be surprised how much I can save by not going out all the time.As long as the workout is on track,I doubt the rest will have any problem.Speaking of which,after 18 years of my life,I finally discovered something better than Grilled Lamb!
Here's the Grilled Lamb,looks tasty right?
But you know what's tastier?
It's called Crispy Potato Skin
in short : Potato Skin
one of these cost 6 freaking bucks
exactly like McDonald's fillet-o-fish
except,I'd rate fillet-o-fish 4/10
and this 11/10
and it is fudging DELICIOUS
there,I refrained from using vulgar!
Miscellanous Gifts.
Brother's Gift(considered)
It's true what people say
Kids never lie
Hmm?What's that?Reason for a change?People often use the cliche' of a reason such as family,health,wealth or even luck.I thought about it thoroughly and the only conclusion I came upon was,myself.But that isn't 100% accurate,at least that's what I felt.It felt more like a combination of myself and something else.A man once said if you do everything for yourself for your entire life,that is the saddest life ever.But if you spend your entire life for others,I don't think that's the best teleology of life.That seems more like someone who is craving for acknowledgement.Everyone has different teleology.So mine is to do something for myself,and others as well in an equal manner.It's not selfish to hold on to your life.It's only selfish to let go of it.If,let's say,a doctor decided to save someone at the cost of his life.Yeah sure,on the outside it seems pretty noble.But think about it.If that doctor dies,he won't be able to save anyone anymore.If he survives,he might save several lives along the way through his career.You get it now don't you?I've live through reality,I know what it's like.Now it's time to observe morality.My teleology is neither of them.But the combination of the two.Till next time.
To be specific,party-till-very-late-at-night kinda parties.The one where it seems that there is no tomorrow.The one where everyone is loud and noisy and NOISY.The top two kinds are usually the one where there is tons of guests but most of them are not very close with the host.And the other consists of close friends and of course,it'll be a smaller group.All I can say is,too many guest in a party kinda sucks.We always have to follow the crowd.Not to mention if you're a guy almost reaching his 20s,you definitely have to choose between smoking or alcohol,or both.You know,so that it proofs you've the party spirit and all.Yeah,I know alcohol is bad,but I still picked it instead of smoking.Because of a certain s-o-m-e-o-n-e who,forbids it.Nah,just kidding.But I might as well start.Been inhaling a bit too much these days.Disadvantages of having many smoking friends.I guess you could say I'm a second hand smoker,he who doesn't smoke but still receives the side effect,sigh.Well,back to the alcohol part.Let me make it clear.No matter how many times I give alcohol a chance,no matter how many times I try it,it is and forever will taste like shit.No kidding.Here are the ingredients : water + shit.Mix those two together and ta da, you get beer!It seriously sucks,beer that is.It's not tasty.It's expensive.It's freaking unhealthy.Unfortunately,I prefer Chee Chong Fun over it.Yes,it's that bad.Let's hope I don't get rashes.Starting to get a little itchy here and there.By the way,it's not over.You'll have the urge to vomit if too much consumption of said beer.And,HEADACHE!Bloated stomach,vomit feeling and a headache.By the time I lie on my bed,no doubt the " ahhh " feeling wont be felt.Anyway,it's not a complaint,it's an opinion that parties are overrated.Eyes 80% closed already.Back hurts.Till next time.
It's raining.It's dark.It's gloomy.It's silent,aside from the roaring thunder and drops of rain.I'd say it's a good time to blog about said title : death.What is death?Sure,any monkey swinging from tree to tree can answer that straight out."Death is dying"?Or "Death is a situation where somebody just died"?No,no,that's just through the sight in our eyes.Death is,an end of a person's journey in which case is their life.To be specific,an end of a chapter,assuming the ending is unfair.Some die happily while others,have some unfinished business. Not to mention,his or her family didn't deserve that person's death.If the dying may be saved using necessary medical procedure,he will be saved if it's meant to be,if it's his destiny.Otherwise,different result, same reason.You know the believe(forgot it was based on which religion) that an individual will be reincarnated into a different body after his or her death until he or she finally deserves to go heaven and attain peace for all eternity.Yeah,so it basically means that our lives now are but a fraction of our entire journey.One life is equvalent to one chapter.Unless that is our final chapter before being transfer to heaven.So,if an individual unfortunately dies at a very young age,maybe it's because in that life it wouldn't work out at all.Or maybe he is in an absolutely wrong time and place.Well,it is not a fact,it's a possibility.
We are born,we go through life,we die.It's just a cycle of life.After death,that's what most call the afterlife. Here's a fact.Many believers in many different religions often focus on their afterlife.And in the process,only do good deeds,so that they may attain eternal peace in heaven.Sure,it is a good thing,I mean, who wouldn't like heaven right?.But what I find weird is the reason they do it.Through what I've experienced, there are only two possible reason for it.One,they never questioned or even ask "why" before doing something.Yes,that is obedience,but you may remove yourself in the category of humans as you are a robot.Questioning and disrespecting are two very,very different things.Yeah,I know how elderly ones tend to group those two together.The other reason is,because they focus so much on getting that "peace" that they only do good deeds.So when one asks,"why do you good deeds?".It's replied with "because I want to attain peace" or for others "because I don't want to get punished".Call me crazy,but hearing those two lines first hand isn't something that sounds right at all.On the outside,it seems as if that person is a saint.Dig deeper and you may notice that he is selfish.It's obvious that those lines aren't sincere as it doesn't come from the heart.
Here's what I personally think.I'd do whatever I want within my reach,as long as I don't cross over any line,and actually live my life,instead of doing something because you don't wanna get punished and concentrating on your "peace" during the afterlife.No doubt,you'd get a wonderland,you'll be happy,you'll be at peace,but truth is,you're not living anymore.In life,all we see is anger,hatred,envy,vengeance,suffering.But you know what,that's real.That's reality.In life you don't just hesitate from getting a divorce because it-is-bad-to-do-so.Or because it may get you punished.On the outside,people call you brave,tolerant or even strong.But that's just a mask hiding the cowardly,excuses-giving of a personality you have.All I'm saying is,life your live.That's my opinion on repaying God for the live He gave me.Instead of staying away from rain, sickness,disease or taking organ-damaging substances,I think we should all try everything once.Then it is entirely up to us to continue or not.Quick question,do you stay away from the rain because it harms your health which results in harming your life or do you embrace the rain,if you get sick,you recover and get stronger so that you may play in the rain?Prevention is better than cure?That only applies if one will die without any prevention.Otherwise,bull.
Deny what you wanna do
If you wanna deny God
Because He made you the way you are
He made you think how you think
By the way
I stil think I should try
If God made everything
He made me the way I am
Who knows?
Maybe it's a step I have to take
If not,it's not as if I can't take a step back
On an unrelated topic,Death also refers to The Death,the reaper of all reapers.Also the strongest horseman of the apocalypse.He rides on a grey,pale horse.With a scythe as a weapon,as he is a reaper.And obviously, control who dies at whatever time in whatever place.You may think of him as the executor,and God as the man-behind-the-curtain.Yeah,no doubt most people have it hard.Their loved one's lifes were unfairly taken away.While others have a peaceful death.Wanna thank someone,thank God.Wanna blame someone,blame God.He who creates,must learn to destroy.Just as He who is thanked,must be the one who is blamed. Unfortunately,that's just how most humans think.Well,majority who 'appreciate' God are often the hypocrites who bear hatred against Him when something bad(reality) happens to them.To me,well...I'd say it's just not meant to be.The sky is clear,as the rain has stopped.Till next time.
Let's move on to the third Horseman shall we?After that irrelevant entry of anger,I'd think it's appropriate to continue from where I left off. Anyway,pestilence means sickness.Think of it as any form be it infection, disease or allergy.He is the rider of the black horse,and obviously he is in charge of every sickness,or unwellness that affect humans.Yeah,as you can see,every Horseman's name is related to the end of mankind and death for every individual.In which case,death through massive sickness which proves to be very effective.I'm sure you heard about villages or sometimes even countries being wiped out as it has no cure to an unknown sickness. It's a miracle that mankind manage to adapt to said situation,if not,God knows what would've happened to us.Though in current era,it's a common thing that surgeries or medical related issues are often extremely expensive.And I'm positive that every elder has complained about it before,at least those elder I've known. Saying it isn't fair,it's too expensive,and shit.But this is life we're talking about.Truth is you can never repay somebody for saying your life when they have no responsibility to do so.Well,only one way,save his life in the future.So I would like to think that an expensive bill is actually enough to compensate a human's life.I would also like to think that,not all doctors care only about money,there are some out there who just wants to save life,and that is something that deserves respect.
Speaking about illness,my mother's genes was passed down to me,and she got it from her mother. Unfortunately,I've no idea whether my grandmother got it from her parents or not.Basically,she has this,erm,a weak backbone?Or should I say a strong one that turned weak.She used to be very strong during her youth, you know,carrying heavy stuffs,doing impossible errands,then recently all that just,went away.Maybe her case is a natural one,as she is old afterall. But after the same thing happened to my mother,I'm having second thoughts.She,also was strong during her youth,then during her 30s,her backbone started to fail her.I'm not gonna go in detail about it.And now,I'm barely 20 and I too have the same problem.You know how your feet hurt for standing for more than 5 hours?Yeah,my back will hurt so bad that it'll make the pain on the feet feel like a mosquito bite.Really hope this 'injury?' won't stop me from my destiny.Till next time.
Was originally planning to complete the 4 entries with Horsemen's name in it.But what the heck,might as well not let go of the inspiration I have.Yeah just as you read it,anger.I don't know why anger always seem to be labelled as red in terms of colour.Maybe it's because people turn red when they're angry.But to me,it's because I feel hot inside,like I'm on fire or at least ate something very spicy.Yeah believe me I've felt it.The worst part is,I didn't get to release that anger.Well what happens if one does this too often?Basically,it's like filling a balloon with water,the water used as a term for anger and the balloon is the term for the heart and mind.If it's filled halfway,and then some water is poured out,no doubt nothing would happen to the balloon. However,if water keep on gushing in,there'll be a certain limit until the balloon goes "pop" which in reality means one is excessively angry and will burst or explode eventually.And believe me,the magnitude,the intensity of that "release" will be as if a volcano has erupted.If one does explode frequently,it is most definitely of a low intensity but it does keep anger out of the body system.If you do hold it in,anger multiplies,sooner or later,every minor thing that happens will make you mad.
Then,sometimes that anger leads to violence.You know,punches and slaps.Okay,I won't state the obvious and say "it's not good to do that" or so.We always have two choices,one which uses the brain and the other uses the heart.And no doubt it is always a question or either freedom or peace?Or the ugly truth and the beautiful lie.Why should we just bottle up our anger,for the sake of the peace within the family?In which case,you're lying to everyone including yourself. Because you faked your true emotions which is anger. Especially if it's not worth holding it in.If we forever hold it in,it'll turn in a grudge.And truth is,we can't just 'forgive' out of thin air.It's just isn't fair ain't it?After doing your part in releasing all that anger,I'd think then it's appropriate to forgive,to have closure,and to move on from it.If not,where would all that anger go?It's just unlogical to hold it in for any sort of reason.And even if you do feel the urge to burst,and really,really cannot hold it in,just think of it as God's work.Just do whatever you feel like,as long as you had decided it crystal clear in your head.A second is all you need to confirm with yourself,well because you are talking to yourself.In fact,life isn't all about the right path,right deeds or even right decisions and right attitude.It's all about don'ts and wrongs.It is the human potential that enables us to strife and struggle towards our destiny.Of course, facing many problems and taking in consequences on the way.And like I've said,it isn't somebody's good quality that makes him or her somebody you'd wanna keep.It's knowing their flaws and still smilling whenever you think about it. Well,all I can say is,I've thought about it in every possible situation and every possible angle.And looks like I've found my answer.
There is a saying
Worrying is like a rocking chair
Gives you something to do
But it gets you nowhere
May driving on the wrong side of the road
Lead you to the right path
In which case,having an arguement
Or releasing that anger
Till next time.
A famine is a widespread scarcity of food that may apply to any faunal species. This phenomenon is usually accompanied or followed by regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic, and increased mortality. Well, according to internet,that is the exact definition of famine,in it’s shortest definition of course.To be specific, famine does not only mean hunger for food.It’s hunger. Hunger for food,for love,for sex.Whatever it is that humans desire you name it.Basically,the biggest problem about that is starvation.Without a doubt that, starvation is one of the many ways to annihilated mankind, because, humans need food to survive.All these happen because of humans thoughtlessness to increase the nation’s population.They continuously give birth without a second thought on how they’re gonna get food supplies for the necessities of the children.In some country,women get rape publicly,some may even be a custom.All of the above leads the the rapid growth in population,and thus ends up with more mouth to feed and ultimately results in lack of food which in turn causes starvation.Worst case scenario, they turn into cannibals due to hunger and eat their own kind. Yeah,how wonderful.
Less men more share,more men less share.It’s just common sense.And I doubt they’d dare to not feed the children at all,that’s just plain murder.A perfect example would be Africa or india or many other countries. They suffer in poverty,hunger,thirst.For the children,it’s obviously they deserve better, deserve some kind of sympathy.But for those who constantly give birth,I’d choose not to care.It’s one thing if you’re born into a messed up situation,another to be the one who messes up the situation.You could say they dug their own grave.Imagine what would’ve happen if everyone on earth were to be so thoughtless.No doubt we’ll be decomposed fossil by now.Famine can also be referred to one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.He is the rider of the black horse,who carries a pair of balances or weighing scales which indicates the way that bread would have been weighed during a famine. The indicated price of grain is about ten times normal, with an entire day's wages buying enough wheat for only one person, or enough of the less nutritious barley for three, so that workers would struggle to feed their families.Well,all I have to say is,before sympathizing,before donating,before doing anything.Make sure you are in a stable situation.
Ever realize the peace within the green jungle or forest?How animals are able to co-exist with one another through the food chain system.Yeah it is kinda sad for the weak ones,always being eaten or such,but hey,the planet’s filled with them.Why is it that animals,which are obviously more barbaric and violent don’t wage war whereas we,humans are constantly at war with one another,be it country against country or individual’s battle.Sure,animals have the strength,the weapon equipped to their body,the speed,the agility and the vitality. However,humans have something that animals can never hope to achieve,brain.It is true that humans are the strongest predator as well as the most dangerous.With the power of thinking,humans are able to satisfy their curiosity and need for power by creating weapons.Because of these weapons, it leads to greed.Everyone wants power,therefore the weapon creators build more and more of them.People say it provides protection, well,whatever that creates can destroy,thus,whatever that protects can harm as well.With the weapon in hand, humans aren’t afraid of anything,thus grow more evil, craving for absolute power and begin to conquer weaker people to prove their strength.Oddly enough,you don’t see animals doing that,you know, taking over a territory.Because animals are never dangerous,they only take and do what they need,what is necessary and not having ideals or desire.We humans do what we want,and take what we want,which in a way,is productive because it pushes mankind to surpass the limit and improving lifestyle in the process but is not necessary as we only need food,water and shelter to survive.
Well,it’s been said that,war is a possibility for a means to end mankind.That is why it’s been said that everytime countries clash and war happens,the rider of the red horse who represent one of the Horsemen, War and violence,is the cause of it.The colour red suggest that through war,rivers of blood is to be spilled. Otherwise,suggests the beginning of a civil war among humans.In my opinion,the Horsemen have a very slanted view of humanity and see themselves as just bringing out in humanity what is already there.Well,it is definitely not wrong to say such a thing to mankind,though I am one myself. Ever had the urge to hurt someone?Say,someone you dislike or despise,you’d wanna give them a punch right in their faces?Truth is,it is just in our nature that we’re animalistic.That is why we have our principles and thoughts to think whether something is right or wrong.
Not to mention
We’ve to accept that all of us are animals,abominations before doing what’s right