This entry is related to the entry before.Statistically speaking,people who prefer and work better under motivation usually has a timid personality.Basically,they're the...hmm i guess you could call them sensitive and "soft" on the inside as they're always in touch with their emotions.Motivate him or her through encouraging and advicing is more likely to work rather than forcing.Yeah,there is a lot of hardwork needed as well as patience,but most of the time it works out.However, if it was somebody important,it wouldn't matter if it took a million years of encouraging,you'd still be there right by their side.I guess you could call motivation the "easy" method to push somebody into the right direction.
However,peer pressure is absolutely 100 percent different compared.It is base on the lion's theory on how to raise their cubs.You know,the one where it pushes the latter down from the mountains and make them climb right back up on their own?It is based solely on scolding,yelling,punishing,forcing and sometimes even threatening.Yeah,many won't be able to withstand this method unfortunately.And hey,you need not be ashamed of that!It doesn't mean you're weak if you aren't able to withstand it.It's just who you are and shows what kind of personality you have.Even i feel even comfortable with others motivating me rather than pressuring me.But,sometimes encouraging and calmly advicing isn't enough.You'd have to be a little tougher and resort to forcing,which is obviously very unpleasant for both parties.But hey,somebody once told me,
"you have to be cruel to be kind" and sometimes being kind may be cruel and end up even more hurtful but more on that another time.
Anyway I dedicate these songs to anyone out there who is having a tough time and is feeling lost.
In every life you'll have some trouble.
But when you worry you make it double.
So,don't worry,be happy!
and get a hold of yourself before taking an sort of action.Mind over matter.
If you succeeded in doing that
I bet you'd say "I can see clearly now"
Because the rain is gone
And we all know that sunshine comes after rain
Till next time.