Thursday, 30 June 2011

Motivation & Pressure

This entry is related to the entry before.Statistically speaking,people who prefer and work better under motivation usually has a timid personality.Basically,they're the...hmm i guess you could call them sensitive and "soft" on the inside as they're always in touch with their emotions.Motivate him or her through encouraging and advicing is more likely to work rather than forcing.Yeah,there is a lot of hardwork needed as well as patience,but most of the time it works out.However, if it was somebody important,it wouldn't matter if it took a million years of encouraging,you'd still be there right by their side.I guess you could call motivation the "easy" method to push somebody into the right direction.

However,peer pressure is absolutely 100 percent different compared.It is base on the lion's theory on how to raise their cubs.You know,the one where it pushes the latter down from the mountains and make them climb right back up on their own?It is based solely on scolding,yelling,punishing,forcing and sometimes even threatening.Yeah,many won't be able to withstand this method unfortunately.And hey,you need not be ashamed of that!It doesn't mean you're weak if you aren't able to withstand it.It's just who you are and shows what kind of personality you have.Even i feel even comfortable with others motivating me rather than pressuring me.But,sometimes encouraging and calmly advicing isn't enough.You'd have to be a little tougher and resort to forcing,which is obviously very unpleasant for both parties.But hey,somebody once told me,
"you have to be cruel to be kind" and sometimes being kind may be cruel and end up even more hurtful but more on that another time.

Anyway I dedicate these songs to anyone out there who is having a tough time and is feeling lost.

In every life you'll have some trouble.
But when you worry you make it double.
So,don't worry,be happy! 
and get a hold of yourself before taking an sort of action.Mind over matter.

If you succeeded in doing that
I bet you'd say "I can see clearly now"
Because the rain is gone
And we all know that sunshine comes after rain
Till next time.


2am already awake in the morning.
Gotta be fresh gotta update blog. ( Yes , I altered the lyrics from Friday :D )
Yeah,I’m pretty sure I’ll delay and delay my next update if I don’t do it right now.Thus, the title ; Procrastination. It is the feeling you get when you’re lazy and tend to give excuses to yourself by replacing high-priority tasks with lower-priority ones and putting off important tasks to a later time.It is usually caused by laziness or anxiety.Sometimes when we put aside important task that makes us anxious,it gives a somewhat relief feeling because we know we’ll be able to finish it during the last second.I’m certain that whenever one is in a grave and desperate situation,he or she will be impulsive and very spontaneous.Thus,doing whatever it takes to finish the tasks with the minor amount of time left.

Well,deep down we all know it is always the worse outcome and should not be practiced,ever.But.Why do we still procrastinate every single time we promised ourselves not to procrastinate ever again?Only one reasonable yet ridiculous explaination : Laziness. Yes,there is a reason why it is categorised as one of the Seven Deadly Sins called Sloth along with Greed,Gluttony,Lust,Envy,Wrath and the greatest of all,Pride.Procrastination always results in negative emotions about oneself like accumulated stress?A sense of guilt and regret for not doing the important task before hand as well as social disapproval for not living up to expectations and meeting responsibilities and/or commitments.
Cures or prevention from procrastinating?Hmm,I’d say the most effective method is either movitation by someone,usually a rival or superior or even somebody important.Or a goal that you’ve been trying to achieve since a long time ago.Depending on the individual’s personality,some may find pressuring even more effective than the former.So,which do you prefer?
Motivation vs Pressure
Till next time.

Saturday, 25 June 2011


Appreciation means , to say ‘Thank you’ to another person. Nah , its not that simple.  Its not that complicated either actually. Truth is ,I’ve been raised in an Asian environment as well as typical Asian thoughts and reactions fed to me from a very young age. Its been said that,whoever gave birth to u,it is an absolute rule to appreciate and show gratitude. However , aren’t things always not that simple? I personally think it is the parent’s duty to be biologically program to love his own child.
Should they not care,raise and love it sincerely from the bottom of their heart’s instead of treating the child as a sense of duty only to be rewarded when they are grown up and are able to make a living. Isn’t it satisfying enough to know that your child that was raised by your own sweat and tears , all grown up and finally start his or her own family? What’s with the need for a reward? Or repayment from the child? That itself is proof of insincerity and a disgrace to the word love. Appreciation comes from the depths of the heart and the need to thank someone for everything he or she has done out of her obligation.
As long as the sincerity exist in an action done for somebody,no doubt the receiving end will be grateful and will show his or her appreciation. Unfortunately,these days it’s all about the money,it’s all about the duty. No more sincere feelings like Want , instead it’s Need,Must,Have to,Suppose to. It’s undeniable that , for example, I want to be with my family is way more sincere compared to I need to be with my family. The word ‘need’ shows that the freedom of choices doesn’t exist at all and is very similar to being forced to do something. Thus, if one knows about his or her lack of sincerity,it’s best to not do anything at all with that level of effort.
Speaking of appreciation,I would like to thank Bernice for upgrading this blog from a blank sheet of paper. Even added a ChatBox too! She didn’t need to do it, but she still did. So,thank you,really do appreciate it. Till next time.

Thursday, 23 June 2011


As promised , here is the second entry for the day thanks to a certain animal.

In my 17 years of life , never had i believed in any religion nor their religious view or such. I guess u could call me a free thinker , but i do believe in the existance of a greater power and more superior being , God. First , i would like to apologise to those that i've offended with my unpleasent and inappropriate religion jokes. Sometimes i truly never take the person's feelings into consideration and regret my actions afterwards. However i do want to emphasise on the Buddhist's absurbly blind faith in their religion, well because i was one before , so i basically know how they operate. Yes sure , everybody is entitled to do whatever they want with their life and believe in whatever they will but come on , quit being such an extremist about luck and fortune and this and that ALL THE DAMN TIME. Oh , u did no such thing? Hmm , what about sweeping the floor during Chinese New Year? Or or , no Black-coloured shirts can be worn during CNY? How about the No-shaking-your-leg policy? For those of u who have no clue what happens when u shake your leg often , the 'self-claimed' wise elderly ones says it will bring bad luck. For the record , i consider my brother the person who shakes his leg the most and also the luckiest person i've ever known. Man , come on . Those arent what u're suppose to do or to not do , its practically bullshit. Yeah i love criticisms be it the one doing the criticising or getting criticised by others. I dont just simply do what i want without a single thought. Give and take , its that simple. Unfortunately , i also have no interest in the history about Buddhism as well. So , a big X for Buddhism as a religious view. As for Islam and Hinduism , no comments and no criticisms as well. Dont really know either of the religion's views and culture , so , lets skip those two shall we.

Well , i guess that leaves us with Christianity. I personally like it because it's main language spoken is the English language. Lets face it , english educated people are statistically proven to be less uncivilised. However, it doesnt conclude that one who knows speak proper english will be guaranteed as a civilised person. Hmm , lets see . Saying Grace before dinner , silent prayer , and most importantly , NO JOSS STICK. GOD i hate those smokey thing , was forced to inhale it every single time i went to the temple . And fyi , i was Asthmatic.
Not to mention , the history of Christianity and other stories. I actually enjoy reading the article about Angels , Heaven , the Four Horsemen and the Apocalypse. Actually , to be honest im not against Lucifer in the Apocalypse story. He wasnt wrong for loving God over men. He was exiled all because he was different and disobeyed a command which was against his sincere feelings. How is that mercy? Well , sometimes we can satisfy everybody. We should all try not to be so dependant on God as He gave us life , and should we not as His creations try to do our best on our own before seeking guidance from Him? We can always thank Him and believe in Him by believing in ourselves , His own creations. If we do that , we'll subsequently believe in Him. God has big plans for each and everyone of us , im just waiting for that day to happen so can i start to believe and actually thank him for everything he's done. Man im tired , is this long enough? I hope so . Till next time.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

22nd June 2011 , hmm .. used to be such an irrelevant date to me. From now onwards its gonna be the "Birthday" of my newly-constructed blog. Yeah i feel like such a Newbie .. dont even know what does what . Practically stoned for an entire half an hour with the O.O face . I guess u could say im like a girl who finds it complicated to play a game like DotA .. in this case the i am the girl and DotA is the blog . Yes yes i know , the background looks worst than a 2-year-old's drawing . Gonna figure out the functions of everything that has to do with blogging ASAP , so , bare with me.

B-L-O-G . What is it? What is this for? Be Lame Or Gay? Well , in my opinion , we can treat it like a public diary or even pour our heart out or when we're stressed out and have the urge to express it...hmm whatever works for they themselves right? However , i wont be expressing myself entirely here , rather i'll just speak out whatever my opinions are about " stuffs " .. and maybe improve my grammar along the way for my ambition-related issue which i will not state here. Yeah , deal with it. Forgive me if u do see vulgarity in my future blog entries .. sometimes curse words come in handy when one is trying to express one's anger. To a certain someone , dont scold me if u DO see vulgar okay . Well , my blog . my rules . heh. Hmmm , seems like i've nothing else in mind so i'll be going now . Till next time .