Monday 10 October 2011

Proper Timing

Everything you do in life has several main factors to it's success.And everything needs to have a certain timing.From suicides to marriage proposals.Well,those suiciders who cares about timing are probably attention seekers.Moving on.Authorities normally inform at least a month or so beforehand when there's an upcoming exam.That's proper timing.So people will be like "Gasp,I have to start studying".And people are right.Although to me it seems like a month is more than enough time needed for preparation.So much time that it causes one to take it easy and slack for at least half of the time period given.And then after that for everyday I didn't do revision,I'll be like "I'll do it tomorrow,it's only a day wasted".Happens everytime it's two weeks away from the dateline.And I'll convince myself I've just wasted 'only a day' for 13 days.The last day is always reserved for 24hour non-stop revision.I made an oath for it not to happen this time as it will be the most important paper yet.And surprise!It happened again.Such a vicious habit,no wonder sloth is one of the famous seven deadly sins.

Here's what I think about exams before entering college.I'd say that they're not as important as the teachers or your parents make it sound like.It's either do or die.In which case I mean,either aim for straight A's and granted a scholarship or just put in sufficient effort to not fail any subjects(you need credits for college).People say it's important.Teachers say the result slip is important if you wanna be able to get a job in the future.Okay,I'm not gonna spout out assumptions.But here's a theory worth hearing.Let's say you wanna be an accountant.So it's obvious you have to work hard on your accounts and always put your best efforts into it.But for science,I don't think it's neccessary to aim so high unless,scholarship is your goal.I mean,do your think your future employer will not hire you because you didn't ace your science when you're an accountant?I think you have the answer to that.And after going through college,university and the diploma-degree-masters-phD phase,I doubt the SPM or PMR certificate is of any importance.Employers will obviously only look at your recent achievements in education right?However,your character and personality in High school will be observed everywhere you go,so,don't be an ass.This is just an individual's(me) opinion.It will never hurt to try your best everytime you sit for an examination.That's for the best for your future.

So this is me,just barely finished my studies due to my 'honourable' timing.Oh yeah,the final stage will always be like "Damnit I should've started studying earlier" or "How will I be able to finish this in one day?!".Don't get me wrong,I hate doing last minute work.Somehow I just always end up doing the same routine.12am of the day of my exam,I fell sick and still have a few chapters left to study.Major headache and neckache(symptoms of fever).Here's what I did.Ate panadol and prayed for recovery after I take a 2 hour nap and promised to wake up and continue with my studies.I couldn't sleep,and decided to study despite the extreme pain in the brain.Suddenly the pain vanished,like seriously.Maybe it's the work of panadol.Maybe it's God's work.It's like He's punishing my for always doing a last minute work and once I learned my lesson he made the fever symptoms go away.Maybe it's just a coincedence because panadols are very effective?Just wanna say Thank you that a mini-miracle happened.Timing's a bitch but You couldn't have chose an even proper timing.Amen.

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