Friday 7 October 2011

Physical Pain

Notice the word physical.Let's leave emotional pain for another time shall we?What makes people conclude that physical pain are inferior compared to emotional ones?Here's my guess.You can't scratch it.Or give it a gentle massage to temporarily ease the pain.Well,technically you can scratch it but that would mean ripping your chest open,so,yeah.I guess that theory itself is pretty similar to why chicken pocks is rated the worst itch-related infection.Not because it's incredibly itchy but because you can do nothing about it as scratching it would spread the pocks and might leave scars.Then you'd look like me,a dalmation.Okay enough about the comparisons.Let's talk about external and internal injuries.

Very visible as it could be either swollen or bleeding.Easily heals if left alone and treated properly.Pain is bareable as long as the wound isn't dug deeper.Downside is,it might leave a scar if it isn't left alone until it heals completely.

Only visible if it's swollen.Swells could be caused by injured bone or flesh(I was once pinched so hard that a part of my arm swell for two weeks).Doesn't heal if no treatment is done and might risk further injuries in the future when we're old.The pain is the type that is out-of-this-world.You know how when we over-laugh,no sound comes out?The kinda pain is the kind that is so-pain-you-can-hardly-breathe-therefore-not-making-a-sound.Worst I ever felt was the treatment given to a dislocated ankle.Of course fixing a broken bone would be much worst.

What's itching now is my entire spine.It's constantly pain and I can't do anything about it.I feel like removing that whole bone and brush it like how I brush my teeth.It's an undescribable feeling.No massage can ease the pain.Temporarily yes,permanently no.Doing things I enjoy doesn't exactly spell me a good time.Badminton? The endless jumps put an incredicle amount of pressure on it.Workout?Well,also puts a lot of strain on the spine.It is the main beam for a human's entire body structure,so yeah,can't avoid it being used a lot.I've always wanted to cure,well mostly because it really hurts like hell.Somehow it gets worst day by day.I wake up with a backache,sucks.I thought about it.And no matter how much I want to get myself fixed,it seems like it's always a second-placing desire.Meaning it's not what I want the most.Something in my mind is telling me that I can hold on.Maybe just a little longer until I get what I really want.What is it that I really want?I myself am not sure of it.But getting fixed is definitely second is line of my desire.Amen.

 Had to post this.
Just to damn funny.

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