Wednesday 23 November 2011

New House

Alright I'm back.Sorry about the one month self-given leave.Let's just leave it at I'm 'busy'.Well there is something new,I'm no longer staying in Paramount.So that's one week of transporting funitures and stuff.My back has been in pain since then.Thanks to the mopping,wipping,sweeping,carrying and dusting.Oh,to be specific,sweeping is multiplied by ten.My mother actually went and erm,exorcise?the house.The exorcist used some burnt substance and rice and scatter them all over every corner of the freaking house.Protection from ghost or thief?Either way,I'm sure its 'effective'(rolls eye).On the bright side,my brother finally knew how it isn't pleasant to feel that pain,haha.By the 6th of November,the house finally became habitable.And then throughout the second week my internet connection was unavailable due to the change of address.So I lived on Doraemon comics and took many naps a day.Not like not using computer is gonna make me study anyway.

Then the third week is when I got lazy although I had my connection back.So I decided to postpone it until after I'm done with my final Math paper.And here we are,two weeks of living in this new house.I finally have my own room,can be as messy as I want,hah.By the way,people seemed surprised that I'm moving again.That's like twice I've moved within a five year range.That's not so often right?When in reality,this is actually my seventh house.So can anyone really blame me for not having an actual home for 18 years?Doesn't bother me though,a home is much more complicated than a simple house.Right,the Math exam.I honestly think,I'm gonna fail.Sigh,prepare to pay for extra college fund.Thinking of getting a new phone as well.Second-handed android phone which my friend is selling for Rm200 because he is a rich fellow.Hmm,still considering it.I can pay for that and let my mom use mine since she wanted to use mine for a long time anyways.Change my blog template to a more clearer view for the readers.Yes I know the design is very noob-ish.It took some time to figure out how to change it actually.And I actually manage to make the chatbox go missing.Took me more than an hour to figure that out.Looks like I've no talent in blog design eh?There's lots more to write but it's getting late,or early?I'll continue this tomorrow.Hopefully this new house will actually be a h-o-m-e like this song.

Let all God's people say..?AMEN.

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